Intro to Law Enforcement
This course is designed to prepare students to enter the fields of law enforcement and the criminal justice system. Career opportunities are also examined within the criminal justice field. The various types of specialties within a police department are also investigated. These specialties may include accident investigation report writing and reviewing, breathalyzer, crime scene, collection of evidence, firearm training. Students will learn how to use communication and dispatch equipment, perform proper search and seizure techniques and arrest procedures.
Fire Fighting & Rescue
This course is designed to prepare students for entry-level firefighter positions. Students will learn through classroom and guided practice activities the essentials of fire suppression, which includes: fire department orientation and terminology, fire department history, understanding fire behavior, wearing personal protective clothing, identifying ropes, tying knots, using fire extinguishers, performing forcible entry, carrying and raising ladders, operating self-contained breathing apparatus, employing search and rescue techniques, working with ventilation tools and practicing hose evolutions on an operating fire engine all in a safety conscious environment. These skills along with leadership and communication skills will prepare the student for certification through employment opportunities with many fire departments.
This course is a dual credit program with Illinois Central College
This course is a dual credit program with Illinois Central College